a community hub located in North Lakewood in the 40West Arts District.
Abundance happens here.
We have been in Lakewood since 1881 and our church building has been around since 1949. If we have learned anything over the years, it is that abundance is everywhere. Our congregation is located on an acre-sized parcel of land right in the middle of the 40West Arts district in a large building that is our legacy. We have decided that a facility like ours should be an asset for our community. Being a hub for our community is in our DNA.
What kinds of things can happen in a 60 year old church building?
The Arts
We are located in Lakewood’s Arts District, and so our ministry includes being a ministry that promotes the flourishing of the arts. We provide a nurturing space for artists to sculpt, paint, and bring their visions to life. We believe that the church should be a place where the arts, no matter how wealthy the artist might be, can come to life and be a part of the fabric of our arts district.
Poverty and Homelessness
We are located right off of Denver Metro’s West Colfax Avenue, and we see a lot of visible homelessness and poverty in our neighborhood. We are advocates for policies in Lakewood that help our neighbors experiencing homelessness get housed; we keep supplies on hand for those who need nourishment, hygiene, warm clothes, and socks in our hospitality closet; and we are a lot operator for the Colorado Safe Parking Initiative. We believe in the call to ministry Jesus shared in Matthew 25: to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the imprisoned.
Community Partnerships
We see so much vibrancy in our community and so many opportunities for urban renewal. We are committed to help children dealing with hunger & poverty, to connect with other faith communities, to partner with our local residential neighborhood organizations, and to participate in the ways our city wants to be a more sustainable community. We are committed to the use of green energy, and host a community garden on our property. We recognize that we cannot do these things alone, so our facility is a hub for these efforts to come together and for the shared innovation of our community to bring these goals to life.