Opening Invocation: Colorado House March 5, 2025
I had the honor of sharing the opening prayer for the house session on March 5 and I just wanted to share that prayer with you.

Take Off The Veil
What might be possible if we had the courage to unveil ourselves and proclaim the completely frank hope we have in Jesus Christ?

Fill My Cup with Grace
As Christians, we don’t have the luxury of hating other people without being hypocrites.

Fill My Future With Vision
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours in the Kingdom of God.” How, exactly will the poor inherit the kingdom?

Fill My Work With Purpose
When I’ve heard the story of the disciples dropping their nets and following Jesus in Luke 5 after he enacted a miracle of abundance before their very eyes, it always seemed courageous to me how willing they were to completely leave their business as fishermen to become disciples.

Fill My Wounds With Healing
Scripture becomes easier to understand and interpret when we connect what is happening in scripture to what is happening in our very midst.

Fill My Plans With Purpose
I believe that it is the hardships, the way we as Christians shouldn’t have the luxury of looking away from suffering or staying silent when spiritual forces of wickedness are at work in the world, that give us our purpose and remind us constantly why we are people of faith.

Take A Breath
It can be so easy to forget to pause and breathe right now, especially if you are paying attention to what is going on.

Faith and Works
Today marks the 23rd anniversary of a tragedy that remains a sobering reference point for millennials like me.

And when our faith becomes more rote than real within our hearts, then I think other things start to fill that hole that is there. Lucky for us, God never abandons us—even when we can unintentionally abandon God!

Stubborn Hope
Shadowed valleys, evil and enemies aren’t powerful enough to defeat the size of hope God gives us. That is what I take home with me about Psalm 23.