One of the thing I love about our United Methodist Denomination is this thing we often refer to as our "connection." Our church is connected to other United Methodist Churches in an Annual Conference. Our Annual Conference is connected to other Annual Conferences in our Jurisdiction. Our Jurisdiction is connected to other Jurisdictions in the US, and Central Conferences abroad and everyone meets every four years for a "General Conference." A two week meeting where we forge the future of our church together for United Methodism across the world.
It's an incredibly imperfect connection. There is dysfunction, conflict, frustrations without and frustrations within. It's honestly a lot like family! But that sense of connection is still something I think benefits us. It provides accountability we need. It is an opportunity for relationship. It can support coordination among other United Methodists to make an impact in our world.
This week I won't be preaching as I will be attending one of two Annual Conference meetings for this month. My wife and I are both clergy--ordained as Deacons--and our membership isn't with a church, but actually annual conferences. Becky's membership is in one conference: the North Texas Annual Conference. And mine is in ours: the Mountain Sky Annual Conference.
The work of the annual conference is what equips our United Methodist connection in this region for minsitry. Budgets are passed. Resolutions are adopted. Sometimes delegates to the General Conference meeting are elected. Every meeting consists of clergy and laity from each of our churches.
There are many challenges facing us as a denomination in this season. Our denomination continues to roil in tis conflict over human sexuality and since 2019 we have seen many local churches across the United States "disaffiliate" from the United Methodist Church. One thing we will be voting on at Annual Conference this year in the Mountain Sky Conference will be around 30-40 congregation's disaffiliations. In other conferences the number is in the 100s!
This season also comes with the occasion of one of my favorite worship services: United Methodist Ordination. We get together and celebrate the calling of those who have put themselves forward to serve as pastors with their whole lives. It is a service that reminds me about my own call to ministry, and encourages me as I see how I am not alone.
I will be gone twice this month to attend Annual Conference meetings: one of them in Dallas where my wife holds her membership, and the other in Colorado Springs where the Mountain Sky Annual Conference will be meeting.
If you are curious about what our broader denomination is up to, or want to understand more about how our connection works, let me know! I love talking about this stuff. Just email me: