Good News
What good news do we have to share? And what good news do our neighbors need? This is the question that seizes me as I think of Paul and Silas’ journey (and all of the other disciples spreading good news in those early days) in spreading the news of the gospel.
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

Life to the Dead
I think eternal life speaks to the reality that our words and our deeds echo outwards. Every person we help. Every donation we make to charity. Every time we get involved with a justice issue.… Echoes! Ripples!
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

‘Justice is What Love Looks Like in Public’
In both the joys and the pains of this roller coaster it seems life is, Paul reminds me personally that there is a thread that goes through everything--a strand of constancy that weaves itself in our victories and in our losses. Love!
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

Honest Thomas
How can our faith and our church create a space where everyone’s doubt is welcome?
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

This year, I feel pretty distracted from the "celebration" of Easter. I find myself more in a chaotic emotional place for many reasons. But I do know one thing that is universally true, on Easter and all days: God is with me, I am not alone.
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

The promises we believe in often shape what our expectations of the future will be. And on Palm Sunday, when we tell the familiar story of Jesus' "triumphant" entry into Jerusalem, we also can consider that the people of Jerusalem had their own expectations of fulfilled promises.
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

Great Expectations
Jesus reminds us that the massive tree or fully leavened bread being a glimpse of God's kin-dom here on earth didn't just appear magically--they started small.
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

Love v. Wrath
Is our justice system only capable of condemnation and punishment? Or can people who transgress actually be saved--rehabilitated and restored?
Art by Seamire aka Pauline Williamson
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

Irresistible Lies
This story of Adam and Eve in the garden is a challenging one to take in if we really read between the lines.
Art by Seamire
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

Dirt and Air
If we come from the dirt, and have had life breathed into us by God--how can that lead us to not abuse the air and the land that sustain us today?
Art by Seamire
FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire

Art by Seamire: FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire
Imagine your church telling you that a priestly error has annulled your marriage! Words matter. But in the case of Peter resurrecting Tabitha—words also have power.

Unexpected Abundance
Art by Seamire: FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire
1 Kings 17:8-16
Even the food rations of refugees can have unexpected abundance.

The Life of the Party
Art by Seamire: FB: /seamireart IG: @seamaire
John 2:1-12
Perhaps the first of Jesus' miracles in the gospel of John could remind us just how important joy and fun is alongside the vital work and witnessing of suffering our faith calls us into.

Who Is Missing?
There are two genealogies of Jesus found in scripture: one in Matthew (Matthew 1:1-16) and one in Luke (Luke 3:21-38). With dueling genealogies, the authors of Luke and Matthew paint their own unique picture on who they believed Jesus was.
Image credit: Seamire
IG: @seamaire FB: /seamaireart