Plumb Lines Don’t Lie
God is setting a plumb line in our midst so we can discern what is just and right! May we never stop searching for it, and should we find it, then may we base how we live our lives on it.

You Are Enough
When you look around and see abundance and “enough” instead of scarcity, what crises-turned-opportunities can you find?

Here I am, Lord!
The struggle we have with unworthiness is universal. What matters is if we can recognize that for the lie that it is.

I don’t know how other pastors feel, but practicing a prayer habit is difficult for me.

General Conference: Week 2
The United Methodist Church is moving in unimaginable and holy ways toward justice and inclusion this week.

General Conference: Week 1
There just might be a different narrative that will come out of this United Methodist General Conference in 2024.

Easy Heroes, Easy Villains
Judas is no less a beloved child of God than you or me. And any single one of us is capable of Judas’ betrayal and failure.

Servant Leadership
Love is messy. And when we are called to love our neighbor, that means being in the mess with them sometimes too.

“Render unto Caesar…”
What is God’s? And are we neglecting to offer up to God what is God’s when we fill out our tax returns this year?

The Temple
There is no doubt that Jesus was angry, but what is maybe less clear is where Jesus’ anger was directed. Maybe he wasn’t as angry at the money changing or selling of animals to sacrifice as he was at the state of faith in his community.

Hospitality and the City of Lakewood
I want to break from my normally scheduled writings to share with y’all my observation of what might have been one of the most contentious and heavily attended Lakewood City Council meetings in years.

Passing the Mantle
In elections, in our own lives, and in the church, transition is inevitable.