Do Not Hinder Children

Matthew 18:1-7

Let's be honest: we constantly underestimate kids. And I think the disciples who asked Jesus "who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" were pretty surprised when Jesus, without hesitation, brought a child to them in reply. Jesus made it clear that if we don't understand, respect, and protect children then we will miss out fundamentally on what the kingdom of heaven is!

I think that we miss so much when we only see kids as powerless, less mentally developed, immature, etc. Because kids are also profoundly resilient, capable of forgiveness, aware of their dependence on others (how often do we get swept up in our own illusions of control?), and able to encounter so much wonder and awe in all of the amazing things that surround us.

There have been amazing movements even in my life time that were led by kids. Think of the advocacy for girls education led by the fearless Malala Yousafzai, the countless GSA (gay straight alliance) movements in our public schools led by kids who are fighting against the bullying of LGBTQ children, or the Never Again movement that created March for Our Lives rallies across the country organized and led by the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018. Children are capable of world changing leadership. Children can also lead the church.

I've watched the youth of the church take bold stances in the face of General Conferences in the past on the church's current stance on same sex marriage and ordaining gay or lesbian clergy. I've watched youth process the horrific realities of our immigration policy on our southern border with as much courage and elegance as the adults who joined them on a summer immersion and mission trip. And I personally believe that the youth of our church should be involved with the decisions our church makes about our future.

I think that we can be the kind of church that truly sees kids for the potential they have and can help raise them as leaders. I also think we can be the kind of church that seeks to remove the stumbling blocks of poverty, hunger, homelessness, and even despair that the world can put in front of them. Join us as we go deeper this Sunday with Jesus' profound answer about the kingdom of heaven!




Here I Am