Here I Am
1 Samuel 3:1-11
How does God contact us? Is it a whisper? A loud BANG? Is it verbal with words or is it symbolic and coincidental?
I talk a lot about how we should be listening for God to speak to us, both personally and corporately as a church. Because if we are listening for God, we are in the right place to respond to the call. And all of us are called to ministry.
When I had just started hearing a call to ordained ministry, I asked a mentor about how on earth I could know specifically what God was calling me to do. Would it be a flashing neon sign? Would I have to spend hours and hours discerning meaning from symbols and events occuring all around me? I never forgot how he answered me.
"Ben, there really isn't anything specific you need to look for. I guarantee you that there is a thousand mile long list of things God is calling you to do wherever you are." He was right. We can find a shape to the things God is calling us to do in circumstance, symbol, and scripture as well. But at the end of the day, hunger surrounds us. Spiritual despair surrounds us. Hopelessness surrounds us. Violence surrounds us. Addiction surrounds us. Pick from the thousand mile long list of things that is full of things God is concerned about. And before you think, "God hasn't called me, I am just a normal person," remember that God called Samuel as a child!
Thankfully, Samuel was listening and didn't dismiss this call. And thankfully his response was "here I am!"
Here we are, Lakewood UMC! Two days from now, the beginning of October will mark the month that we celebrate how our church has been in minsitry in Lakewood for 140 years. 140 YEARS of abundance! 140 YEARS of responding to God's call. 140 YEARS of saying, "Here I am," and following where God has been leading us.
That is exciting. We are going to spend time this month exploring how even at the age of 140 years that our congregation is a new creation in Christ. That with all of our history and all of the legacy present in our church, that there are new things on our horizon. I am so excited to be here as your pastor in this season! Are you ready to respond to God with "here I am?" Join us this Sunday as we start our 140 year birth-month celebration!