Peter was inches from the finish line. He did something miraculous, but all of that fell apart when he was distracted by the winds.

Abundance vs. Scarcity
This week I witnessed what felt like another miracle at Lakewood UMC.

More Than Victorious
We are more than victorious. And while we can't solve all of the problems sin creates, we can do the small things that are ours to do.

If there is one thing that the worlds ways are teaching us it is that people who think or believe differently than us are dangerous. And friends, this kind of thinking might unravel all of us if we do not remember and find peace with the fact that we are called to a welcome that welcomes Jesus and the one who sent him.

Dreaming the Dream
Compassionate. Inclusive. Risk-taking. Resilient. There are so many ways to describe the abundance in our congregation!

Plentiful Harvest
A turn of phrase is often used when we ask someone to put something complicated in "laymen's terms." This presumes that the word "lay" means something less than "clergy."
As ordained clergy, I have learned over and over in my life just how completely wrong that is!

If you are curious about what our broader denomination is up to, or want to understand more about how our connection works, let me know! I love talking about this stuff. Just email me: ben@lumc.net.

The Great Commission
The Great Commission isn't just a command to follow, it is a responsibility we have been given that we must take seriously.

Journey: The Places We Will Go
I hope we never shy away from speaking our own belief publicly: that we are a church who openly and proud celebrates the Queer community, their leadership, their voice, their presence. And that we can live into a courage that extends radical hospitality to our neighbors.

Fly: Daring New Heights
The combination of urgency, tenacity, and creativity led to a miracle. The shared effort of friends unleashed the power of Jesus not only to forgive sin, but also to heal wounds. Imagine what our shared efforts as a church could lead to!

Let Go: Leaving Behind What We Don’t Need
It says in scripture that God tested the Isrealites, but I don't think the test was only in the experience of eating just enough manna and quail or following specific instructions. I think God's test for the Isrealites was for them to live as if they believed God was with them, was watching over them, and that, even in the hardest times of their wilderness wandering, they were not alone.

Unfold: Claiming New Possibilities
What does your name mean to you?
I hope that the name or title or designation you have feels right. And I hope it is something that allows you room to fully live into who you are--who God made you to be and who God is calling you to become.
And if you don't feel like you are fully living into it yet, take heart--maybe you are like Peter and just need some time to grow.

Open: Into the Light
What if that is our tendency: to go through life walking right alongside Jesus but not recognizing him being among us day after day. Maybe Jesus meets us through the eyes of someone in need, or in the face of someone who has been estranged from us or needs our forgiveness. God forbid, what if Jesus meets us in people whom we plain just don't like?

Coming Out: Leaving Comfortable Places
What leaps of faith have you taken in life? Have there been any that you avoided in order to play it safe? Sometimes the most miraculous things God has in store for us are the ones that require a little bit of faith and courage to take that leap--whether it is in our personal lives or the life of our church!

Wombs, Tombs & Cocoons: Learning to Trust the Dark
A cocoon or chrysalis is pretty similar to Mary's womb and Jesus' tomb. Because both places were vessels for the holy, and were places of preparation for a great miracle to happen. Some of the most important expressions of divinity in scripture happened in hidden ways, or from darkness--and yet we frequently paint darkness with a negative brush!

Love Wins!
I want to invite you to honor the struggle in our shared faith story by not skipping the days where we tell the less pleasant part of our story this week. Join us on Maundy Thursday where we will come together over a meal to reflect on the love Jesus showed during the last supper he had with his friends. And then join us on Good Friday, ironically named, to behold again the story of Christ's passion as it is told in the gospel of John.

Two Tragedies
Please join me in prayer this week for those who are terrorized, traumatized, and victimized by gun violence in our country.

Look for the Liberator
I wonder how stuck we are in what we believe is possible? In our own lives, in our neighborhoods, in our communities, in our country? These days, we seem to be stuck in a whole lot of things: rage, apathy, addictions, fear, violence. All of those things feel impossible to change.

Look For The Shepherd
We have a tendency as humans to box one another into what we can expect of them. The Pharisees put their willful ignorance of Jesus' power on full display, and the disciples limited the blind man's experience of life down to whether or not he or his parents sinned.