Responding to God’s Call
The story of Jonah is a story in scripture that, far too often, is left in the church nursery or the children’s sunday school room.

Your Servant is Listening
How can we receive God’s word when it seems rare? How can we receive God’s vision for us when, today, visions are not widespread?

Into What Were You Baptized?
When Paul encountered some disciples of Jesus in Ephesus, he asked them, “into what, then, were you baptized?”
That isn’t a bad question for us to think about as we enter into this new year.

Advent IV: Being Present With Love
If I am learning anything in these past few years as a Pastor in this unique neighborhood, it is that we have a lot to explore as to what God is looking for in the “Temples” that we build.

Advent III: Being Present With Joy
Knowing what Joy is should be simple, and yet it can be really complicated to talk about it.

“Al Nakba”
As we come up on the second Sunday of the season of Advent, a Sunday frequently associated with “peace,” I have felt the need to speak to the horrors we are bearing witness to for the past 60 days in the Holy Lands of Israel and Palestine as a Christian pastor.

"All Churches Ever Do Is Ask For Money"
I will say this--I think everyone should find something to invest in that is not themselves. I don't think we were made not to share what we have in some way.

Guest Article: The Arts and the Church
Rebecca MacIntyre is a novelist and member of the congregation at Lakewood United Methodist Church. She sent me her thoughts on the intersection of the arts and the life of the church and I could not help myself but share it with all of you.

The Beatitudes
Even in our struggles and overwhelming moments, we are blessed. As blessed people, God expects something of us: to be peacemakers, pure in heart, merciful, and to hunger for justice and righteousness.

The Greatest Commandments
It isn't just a gesture we make on Easter and Christmas. Loving God is a life long practice--which means we get better at it the more we do it!

Cheerful Giving
Nothing is more predictable than a pastor talking about money as the end of the year approaches, right?

Grow: Renewal and Restoration
This month marks the beginning of how we as a church will be looking toward the next year of ministry in 2024.

Forgiveness is vital for our own healing whether or not it leads to reconciliation.

The very first chapter of Exodus can be easy to skip if you want to get into the interesting stuff about plagues and Passover and the Isrealites crossing the Red Sea to escape the Pharoah in Egypt. But by doing so we miss out on this really awesome story of heroism by two women in the very first chapter: Shiprah and Puah.

Unlikely Hero
One of the things that keeps my faith alive as a Christian is that our scriptures are not all convenient and perfect in their telling. Just like how complicated it is simply to be human, the stories of our faith are also complicated!